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Gym Sponsorship

Gym sponsorship is an important means of generating the necessary funds for operation and maintenance of the Johonor Gym Club in the old River John School. Sponsors of the gym contribute to the health and wellness of the citizens of River John and surrounding area and raise their profile in the community. Three sponsorship opportunities are available.

Gold Sponsorship: $350

Gold sponsorship benefits:

  1. Twelve 1-month Gym Memberships for distribution to clients or staff

  2. Sponsor name and logo included in announcement in The Pioneer newsletter

  3. Sponsor name and logo posted on Gym signage

  4. Sponsor name and logo posted on Gym Website page

  5. 1-year membership in the River John Cultural and Wellness Co-operative

Silver Sponsorship: $180

Silver sponsorship benefits:

  1. Three 1-month Gym Memberships for distribution to clients or staff

  2. Sponsor name and logo included in announcement in The Pioneer newsletter

  3. Sponsor name and logo posted on Gym signage

Bronze Sponsorship: $95

Bronze sponsorship benefits:

  1. One 1-month Gym Membership for distribution to a client or staff member

  2. Sponsor name and logo included in announcement in The Pioneer newsletter

  3. Sponsor name and logo posted on Gym signage

Have Questions? Contact us Here!

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Contact Us

Johonor Gym Club

2 School Street

River John, NS 

B0K 1N0 

(613) 240-8792

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© 2022 River John Cultural & Wellness Co-operative Ltd.
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